Webcowgirl (guest) - 18. Jan, 13:43

Another Proust blogger!

How exciting to find another Proust blogger! You have finished it all and I am just about to start The Prisoner and the Fugitive. I shall have to read your older posts and synch up with where I am now. I feel this post gives me good encouragement to keep moving toward the finish line.

danielgruen - 24. Jan, 23:05

Hi Webcowgirl,

yeah, we Proust bloggers are slowly but surely becoming a great many. And believe me, there is hope for your overtaking me -- I am so slow at reading Time Regained you might as well finish it first :D

But yes, I surely think you should carry on reading, even though there might be a lot of lengthy soirees ahead, it'll all pay off...



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Reading A La Recherche Du Temps Perdu

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Hi Webcowgirl, yeah,...
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danielgruen - 24. Jan, 23:05
Another Proust blogger!
How exciting to find another Proust blogger! You have...
Webcowgirl (guest) - 18. Jan, 13:43




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